Dear families and friends,

In September, the Center for Family Services of Palm Beach County joins with others in recognizing National Recovery Month.

We view recovery as a process of learning to cope with mental health challenges or substance use in healthy ways and to build a meaningful life. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to recovery, and it is different for everyone.

The Center is deeply committed to making a difference in the lives of individuals and families affected by substance use and mental health challenges. While this is the work we live every day, National Recovery Month is a time to applaud the progress of those who are working to overcome substance misuse and mental health challenges and to raise awareness of the importance of recovery.

I encourage you all to get involved. Whether it’s through participating in local events, sharing your own story of recovery, supporting organizations like ours, or simply engaging in conversations about recover and mental health, every action counts. It is often said that recovery is not a destination but a journey. That journey requires support of the community – and as that community, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of those affected by mental health challenges.

We have Narcan kits available at no cost to individuals or families. Please call the Center at 561-616-1222 if you are concerned about narcotic use by someone close to you to arrange to pick up a free kit.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to both our dedicated team and to our many supporters who have been instrumental in our work in helping individuals and families towards mental wellness. Your unwavering commitment to our cause is nothing short of inspiring. Together, we work towards a more compassionate and understanding world, where individuals feel empowered to seek help and where recovery is commended.

With care,

Todd L’Herrou, CEO

p.s. You can make an impact and support members of our community on their journey to mental wellness.

p.s. If you’d like to donate and make a gift to the Center in honor or in memory of a great father, we can email an acknowledgement to the recipient letting them know that a gift was made in their honor for Father’s Day. Be sure to leave a note with the name and email address in the message field or contact Ellen Vaughan at if you’d like to arrange recognition for a gift.

Remembering Dr. Roy Cacciaguida

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Roy Cacciaguida (1931-2023), a beloved member of our community. Dr. Cacciaguida was a dedicated physician who spent his career caring for others. He actively supported the Center for over a decade beginning in 2010, including a stint as a board member from 2011 to 2016.

Always in our hearts

Updating the Play Therapy Room

I’m happy to report that, thanks to the generosity of our donors at the 2023 Old Bags Luncheon®, the capital improvements for our updated therapeutic play room (and adjacent training suite) are in progress! Necessary parts and supplies have been arriving over the summer, and now the work is well underway.
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